Tips from Sith Lord Javed Hasan, CEO of Lineaje

Tips from Sith Lord Javed Hasan, CEO of Lineaje

Founder and CEO of Kunal Agarwal has learned from some of the best over the years. In Episode III, Kunal listens to the wisdom of Sith Lord Javed Hasan, CEO and Co-founder of Lineaje. In the intriguing world of product management, adopting unique perspectives and strategies can be the key to unparalleled success. Javed unveils a series of powerful tips for product managers aspiring to dominate their field. Let’s delve into the core principles that can transform the way you approach product management, infusing it with the energy and vision of a Sith Lord.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion

The first principle states, "Peace is a lie, there is only passion." This profound insight urges product managers to ignite and channel passion into every aspect of their work. Passion is the fuel that drives limitless energy, propelling you to outpace the competition. It’s about harnessing this intense emotion to force change and stimulate growth within your team and your product. When passion becomes the core of your management style, it creates an infectious energy that motivates and inspires your team to push boundaries and achieve greatness.

You are conviction

Product managers should build their product vision with an unwavering belief in their ideas. In the realm of innovation, self-doubt is a formidable enemy. To be a successful product manager, you must be bold and powerful, standing firm against the chorus of skeptics who say it can’t be done. Remember, your conviction in your vision can move mountains and break barriers. It’s about having the courage to tread unexplored paths and the resilience to turn visionary ideas into reality, despite opposition.

Emotions Give Power

In the intricate dance of product management, indifference is your downfall. Customers can sense when a product is crafted without heart. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that your presentations and interactions are imbued with the passion and dedication you feel for your product. Your emotional investment becomes a powerful tool, resonating with customers and making them care as deeply about your product as you do.

Remember, through victory, your chains are broken

Success, no matter the scale, is a catalyst for breaking free from limitations. As a product manager, it’s essential to celebrate every victory, whether it’s a major breakthrough or a minor win. These celebrations uplift the team’s spirit, fostering a culture of confidence and continuous achievement. Each victory, big or small, is a step towards greater success, emboldening the team to strive for excellence repeatedly.

By channeling passion, conviction, and emotional power, and celebrating every victory, you can lead your team to new heights of innovation and success. Remember, the path of a product manager is not just about managing a product; it's about leading with vision, energy, and an unbreakable spirit. May these tips from Sith Lord Darth Javed Hasan guide you in your journey to becoming a dope product manager.

Javed Hasan is the CEO and Co-founder of Lineaje, the emerging leader of software supply chain security management for organizations that are powered by software. Hasan has more than two decades of cybersecurity experience, and has managed products used by over a billion users and over 500,000 organizations in over 150 countries.

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