Tips from Mando Warrior Jason Merrick, SVP of Tenable

Tips from Mando Warrior Jason Merrick, SVP of Tenable

Founder and CEO of Kunal Agarwal has learned from some of the best over the years. In the second episode of invaluable advice, Jason Merrick, SVP of Product Management at Tenable, delves deeply into the journey of becoming a truly exceptional product manager. This time, the focus shifts towards the power of relationships, informal communication, teamwork, and instinctual decision-making. Let’s unpack these insights that can transform you into a (very) dope product manager.

Power of two

In the universe of product management, PMs are the vital link between two critical worlds: sales and engineering. Understanding and working closely with both sides is crucial. Sales teams provide insights into customer needs, market demands, and competitive landscapes. Meanwhile, engineering teams bring these needs to life through technology. A PM must fluently speak both languages and foster a symbiotic relationship between these groups. This close collaboration ensures that the product not only meets market needs but is also feasible and innovative from a technical standpoint.

Hallway walking

You should Having casual, unplanned conversations with various stakeholders can be a more beneficial environment to engage in informal dialogue, rather than waiting for structured meetings to introduce new ideas or gather feedback. These spontaneous interactions can yield surprising insights and foster a more open, collaborative environment. They allow for the exchange of thoughts in a more relaxed setting, where people often feel more comfortable speaking openly. This approach can lead to innovative ideas and strengthen relationships across the company.

Helping others

Put your team first. A great product manager knows that their success is directly tied to the success of their team. It’s about creating opportunities for your team members to excel and be recognized for their contributions. Celebrating their achievements and giving credit where it’s due not only boosts morale but also encourages a culture of collaboration and mutual respect. This approach ensures that everyone feels valued and motivated to contribute their best work.

Remember, trust your instincts

It’s important to balance deep product knowledge with instinctual decision-making. A product manager should have a comprehensive understanding of their product’s capabilities and limitations. However, not all decisions can be made based on data and analysis alone. Sometimes, a PM must rely on their instincts, born from experience and understanding of the market, to guide their choices. This combination of knowledge and intuition is what separates a good PM from a great one.

The path to becoming a (very) dope product manager, as outlined by Mando Warrior Jason Merrick, involves a deep understanding of both sales and engineering, the power of informal communication, a focus on elevating your team, and the ability to balance knowledge with instinct. These qualities, when cultivated, can elevate your product management skills to new heights, ensuring not just the success of your products but also the growth and satisfaction of your team.

Jason Merrick is the Senior Vice President of Product Management at Tenable.

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