First class upgrade FROM netskope
Make the switch fromNetskope “Next-Gen” SWG to dope.swg.
Weaknesses of Netskope
Data CEnter Outages
Netskope’s NewEdge Private Cloud is a fancy name for data center stopovers. Outages last anywhere from 2 hrs to 12hrs. You’re facing downtime multiple times per month!
dope.swg does not rely on data center stopovers, and instead performs security on-device. This works consistently & reliably in any country or network. Never worry about data center outages affecting you again.
Technically complicated
Netskope requires a complex 15-step SCIM integration and SAML. The agent MSI requires custom parameters and the agent needs to be redeployed in IDP Mode. The first policy requires manual configuration. It’s not easy, and our heads hurt just thinking about it!
dope.swg User Imports & SSO are each one-click. Malicious traffic is blocked automatically. There’s no complexity, no extra management consoles — it just works.
not so advanced analytics
Netskope “Advanced Analytics” look more like Excel line and bar charts. It’s an unfortunate after thought in their product that has never and (probably) will never be improved. Don’t ask how long they’ll take to load.
dope.swg analytics are beautiful, insightful, and specific. It’s fit for an immediate executive presentation, or user admin purposes to refine policies. Each click takes ~100ms.
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| STOPOVER DATA CENTER ALERT
HOW netskope WORKS

||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| DATA CENTER DOWNSIDES
are stopover data centers really that bad?
Data centers come at a high cost. If there are any outages or degradations around the world, it can have an impact on you. And if your closest data center goes down, your data could be rerouted to a completely different country — slowing you down in the process.
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